MooTools for Beginners Part 5 - Native Extensions

By Ryan Florence, published 2010-01-14

Part of the issue MooTools for Beginners (1.2).

In Part 4 we looked at the myriad ways to select elements in the dom. Well, today we are ignoring the dom altogether. Aaron Newton once said that “MooTools aims to make JavaScript your playground [not just the DOM].” MooTools extends a lot of JavaScript natives, like Functions, Strings, Numbers, etc. You ought to spend 20 minutes reading through the Core and Native sections of the docs. This article is going to be short, touching on a few of the non-dom things I do regularly with MooTools. Of course, for these demos I’ll be using dom elements to log the results.

Function methods

Loop the loop: periodical, $clear

One of the extensions to function is periodical. Store a function in a variable and then call the periodical method on it and away it goes on forever. $clear will stop the periodical.


Delay is a bit tricky at first. The easiest way to delay something is to wrap it up in an anonymous function:

  // do stuff

delay can take three arguments: delay, bind, args. Delay is how long in milliseconds to delay execution, bind is what to bind as this in the function, and args is the arguments to pass to the function–use an array for multiple.

// we're going to bind this
var myNumber = 10;

var logStuff = function(add, multiply){
  // `myNumber` is known as `this` around here since we bound it
  console.log(this + add);
  console.log(this * multiply);

logStuff.delay(2000, myNumber, [10,3]);

String Methods

There are three string methods I use regularly, but again, you really ought to spend a few minutes in the docs looking at all of the native methods.

toInt, toFloat

These convert strings in to numbers, very useful when measuring elements and manipulating or animating their sizes. Also handy when parsing data that you don’t have control over.

'500px'.toInt(); // 500
var string = $('someEl').getStyle('height'); // `500px`
var int = $('someEl').getStyle('height').toInt(); // 500
var sum = int + 100; // not possible without `toInt`

'100.1'.toFloat(); // 100.1


Checks if a string contains a string. I’m taking this example straight from the docs.

'a bc'.contains('bc'); //returns true
'a b c'.contains('c', ' '); //returns true
'a bc'.contains('b', ' '); //returns false


Admittedly, most my arrays are collections of elements, but I’ve had a few projects that required a lot of math and the array method extensions were priceless.


Each is used all the time when iterating over dom elements to add events, perform animations, etc. But it can be used on any array. You can also bind a variable to the loop. Here we’ll create a new array from an existing array except multiply every number by 2.

var multiplier = 2; // going to bind this
var numbers = [1,5,12,76];
var newNumbers = [];
  // `this` is bound to `multiplier`
  // number is the current array item
  // index is the current items index
  newNumbers[index] = number * this;
}, multiplier);

$('log').set('text', newNumbers.join(', '));


That was silly, I could have just used

var newNumbers ={
  return item * multiplier; 


Getting the first item in an array is easy, getting the last is now too.

var numbers = [1,5,12,76];
var first = numbers[0]; // 1
var last = numbers.getLast(); // 76

Again, lots of other good stuff in the docs. If I accomplish nothing else in the “MooTools for Beginners” series I hope to illustrate how helpful the docs are.

MooTools in this article

Hi, I'm Ryan!

South Jordan, UT

About Me

I'm a front-end web developer from Salt Lake City, Utah and have been creating websites since the early 90's. I like making awesome user experiences and leaving behind maintainable code. I'm active in the JavaScript community writing plugins, contributing to popular JavaScript libraries, speaking at conferences & meet-ups, and writing about it on the web. I work as the JavaScript guy at Instructure.